Can I visit with a Student Accessibility Services representative while on a campus tour?

Yes. If you are planning to visit our campus as you select a university, inform your admissions representative if you would like to speak with someone from Student Accessibility Services or if you will need any accommodations during the visit. Please note that you are not required to disclose your disability at any time. The decision to self-disclose a disability during the admission process is a student’s personal choice. The University of Mary does not have a separate admissions process or criteria for students with disabilities. Disability documentation should be submitted directly to Student Accessibility Services.

How do I receive disability services at the University of Mary?

We have information on how to sign up for disability services on our Registration Process page.

When do I need to apply for disability services?

The registration process should be started as soon as you have been notified of admission to the University of Mary, or at least 60 days prior to the start of the semester for which you are registering so that any accommodations you may need can be arranged.

Where can I send my disability documentation?

Student Accessibility Services
7500 University Drive
Bismarck, ND 58504
Email Us

Will my IEP or 504 Plan follow me to the University of Mary?

For more information on the difference between disability services in high school and college, visit The brochure Student Accessibility: Eligibility or Entitlement highlights the differences between services at the secondary and post-secondary level.

Can I use my IEP or 504 Plan for documentation of my disability?

Maybe, but not necessarily. If your IEP or 504 Plan contains the necessary information, it will be accepted as documentation.

Will I receive the same services that I received in high school?

Maybe, but not necessarily. High school special education programs are required by law to provide whatever service, help, or accommodation you need to be successful. Colleges and universities are required by law to provide “equal access to education” through programs, services, or extra help. Access is provided through reasonable accommodations. For example, services such as word banks or reduced assignments probably won’t be provided, because postsecondary schools don’t provide modifications that would change the educational standards of coursework.

I think I have a disability, but I have never been tested. What should I do?

Student Accessibility Services can help students by discussing the options available. The University of Mary does not provide screening for disabilities, but the coordinator of Student Accessibility Services can present referrals for the student to get evaluated.

Does being registered with Student Accessibility Services impact my academic record?

No. Being registered with Student Accessibility Services will not appear on students’ academic records.

Who decides what accommodations I can use at the University of Mary?

The Coordinator of Student Accessibility Services makes the final decision after reviewing your documentation and talking with you. Accommodations are based on how the disability interferes with access to course content, demonstrating your knowledge, and curricular activities. Accommodations may not fundamentally alter the course standards or requirements. Decisions regarding approved accommodations can be appealed using the grievance procedure.

If I am receiving accommodations at another college or university will I automatically get the same accommodations at the University of Mary?

Maybe, but not necessarily. Each university may have different guidelines related to documentation and what constitutes a reasonable accommodation. Upon transfer to the University of Mary, information from a previous school is helpful but it is still necessary for Student Accessibility Services to review your documentation and determine what is reasonable at our institution.

What role do parents play in the process?

A student who is 18 years old or older is legally recognized as an adult. As an adult, the student must self-identify to Student Accessibility Services, request accommodations, and submit supporting documentation. Accommodation requests and disability documentation will only be accepted from the student, not from his or her parents. However, parents are a wonderful source of support, and students are encouraged to have open communications with their parents or other significant family members.

Can I receive a failing grade for a class in which I am receiving accommodations?

Yes. Accommodations ensure “access,” not necessarily “success.” If you are struggling in a course, we recommend speaking with your academic or faculty advisor about your options for continuation in the course and/or other resources, such as tutoring.

Still Have Questions?

We’re here to help. Call the Student Accessibility office at 701-355-8124 or email us.

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